We commune with the vibration of that which we consume.
We really are what we eat.
Therefore what we receive into our bodies can serve as medicine, if we choose to make it so. Preparing food is a prayer of its own. A prayer of expressing gratitude to our bodies, the plants, all of nature. A prayer of connection as we come into a consensual meeting point with the plants and our bodies. Prayer for healing, vitality, and that the nourishment we receive from our food gives us the natural ability nourish our relations.
Beyond consuming, when we open to receive, not only is consent present, but we enter the flow of reciprocity. Of giving and receiving at the same time. Giving medicine to ourselves, receiving the medicine into our bodies. Giving gratitude to Pachamama and receiving Her vibration into us. As we do our healing work, we are remembering that we are not separate from nature. Can the food we invite into our body temples assist us in this process? What we ingest affects our vibration. Eating foods closest to the source (Gaia) can assist us in remembering our own Source.
I’ve had the honor of preparing food for mindfulness and medicine retreats and I see how the food assists with the healing and integration. I also feel it in my own healing & integration. This is because having a clean inner body temple allows us to perceive reality more clearly, give from clear intention, and receive more fully. When our bodies are overloaded with food (information) and more dense and difficult to digest food, it is harder for us to feel clear and present. Making it harder for the medicine and lessons to land and settle into our systems. Thus making harder to integrate our work and keep going. We may become distracted and fatigued.
When treating food as medicine, we are showing respect for ourselves and the food. We show our body temple that it is worth keeping clean. We show the plants that we are so grateful for their generosity and intelligence. We cultivate deeper relationship with ourselves and the earth when we eat consciously. When we eat far from the earth, we are far from the earth. When we eat close to the earth, we are close to Her.